The 5 Biggest Problems Training Managers Face when Developing a Training Program

Learn how eLearning programs are the solution to your training problems

Training programs are a recurrent and necessary part of a workforce and can be a crucial aspect of ensuring the safety and wellbeing of a team. However, the organisation and implementation of training programs are often left to the discretion of managers, who may already have extensive workloads and responsibilities.

Training programs don’t have to be a laborious task to tick off a list. This article explores how eLearning and online programs are the answer to common problems faced by training managers.

5 Biggest Problems Training Managers Face when Developing a Training Program

Problem 1. Lack of Resources

A blended delivery of training is vital for companies to ensure maximum engagement from workers and optimal use of resources. Hour after hour of face to face training programs can become boring and costly. Online learning solutions, such as videos, animation or 3D interactive spaces, are an effective way to ensure optimal results from your training. However, the creation of online resources can often involve a highly specialised skill set or technology that may not be accessible to you.

At Poncho eLearning, our expert team can take your training projects all the way from concept to product. All stages of production are handled in house and delivered to your specifications, eliminating the stress of developing training packages.

“In order to create an engaging learning experience, the role of instructor is optional, but the role of learner is essential.”
-Bernard Bull

Problem 2: Budget

As a training manager, you may only have a certain amount of money allocated to cover training costs. Traditionally, most industries rely on face to face training sessions to educate workers. However, requiring workers to take days off work to attend training seminars with external educators can become costly and inefficient.

An online training package provides greater flexibility, with workers being able to access the materials when it suits them, how it suits them.

“Online learning is rapidly becoming one of the most cost-effective ways to educate the world’s rapidly expanding workforce.”
-Jack Messman

Problem 3: The Training Backlog

A lack of face to face availability in recent times has created a backlog of demand for in house training. Businesses may have practical training skills that need to be delivered in a timely manner in order to meet safety requirements.

Online training solutions entirely remove the wait times associated with bringing in external educators for face to face learning. If some aspects of the training must be delivered in person, a dual approach can be utilised; theoretical aspects delivered online prior to the practical application of the training delivered in person. This dual modality method can halve the burden on face to face training.

“We need to bring learning to people instead of people to learning.”
-Elliot Masie

Problem 4: Industry Bias

A common misconception within trade focused industries is that online learning is ineffective when it comes to teaching practical skills that require hands-on application.

The flexibility provided by online training programs allows for a more complete and interactive method of learning. 3D spaces and scenarios can be created that allow learners to rehearse reactions within specific environments and situations, without needing to shut down or halt operations within the real-life spaces. We have had great success with training in trade industries, with ninety five percent of participants stating that they would change their behaviour based on a video learning program created by Poncho eLearning.

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”
-Xun Kuang

Problem 5: Poor Training Outcomes

We’ve all had to sit through laborious training materials, clicking the next button over and over in order to get through the program as quickly as possible, absorbing absolutely nothing in the process. These boring presentations often result in a low output of learning. But training videos don’t have to be an arduous task.

Poncho eLearning’s dedication to creating interactive and entertaining materials result in training programs with a high level of engagement and improved pass rates. While face to face learning relies entirely on the skill of the educator to engage learners, online learning provides an infinite number of possibilities for delivery. Learners are able to experience different scenarios from multiple perspectives, allowing you to tailor the content and delivery method to what will be most effective for your workers.

“Where my reason, imagination, or interest were not engaged, I would not or I could not learn.”
-Winston Churchill

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